郡上八幡国際友好協会GIFA 国際交流事業







Kia ora 


Ko Taupiri te maunga, Ko Waikato te awa rere, Ko Tainui te waka tapu, Ko Tainui te iwi, Ko Ngati mahuta te hapu, Ko Ngati wairere te roto, Ko Waahi i toku marae

Ko Kerry Murphy toku papa, ko Rose Wootton toku mama

Ko Jade Violet Wootton Murphy ahau


No reira, Tena koutou, Tena koutou, Tena koutou, katoa.


Hello. My name is Jade Wootton Murphy. I'm 15 years old and recently visited Japan with my class and teachers. This is my 3rd year learning Japanese and last year my Japanese teacher presented my class with the opportunity to visit Japan in April of 2024. Naturally I was super excited and jumped at the opportunity.


When the time came to leave for Japan I was super nervous about the whole experience and wondered what it would be like in another country. When we arrived in Japan all my fears washed away as I found Japan to be super accommodating to foreigners and I knew enough Japanese to understand what was going on around me.


After a week of sightseeing and traveling through Tokyo and Takayama we took a charter bus to Gujo-Hachiman. Once in Gujo-Hachiman we met up with the Gujo-Hachiman International Friendship Association and, after a brief introduction, they took us to eat lunch, where we were all served chikin kara-age teishoku. As we were all finishing our meals everyone introduced themselves and after we all became acquainted with each other they gave us a brief rundown on the activities of the day.


After we left the restaurant, Kaori san and the others kindly gave us a tour around Gujo-Hachiman town. In this tour we got to see all the  koi fish and we were amazed by how big, beautiful and friendly they were. After we had left the koi, Kaori san and our teacher taught us about the red buckets that were scattered around the town and the history behind it. While on the walk one of my classmates pointed out a water well that was on the side of a building. Our guide explained that they used to use the wells for collecting water for his house when he was younger. We found this super interesting and got to take turns using the well.


After our amazing sightseeing experience we met up with Tsuji san and we all sat and watched a tea ceremony that was performed by her and two others. I thought this was super cool and it was such a unique experience. I loved seeing this Japanese tradition and it only got better as we got to participate and experience it for ourselves. They had us split into two groups and we took turns with one group being the host and the other being the guest. I was a part of the group that was the host first so I got to make matcha tea and serve it to my guest. After that I served them a sweet that was already plated for me to give to them. I thought it was super thoughtful how they serve a sweet after the matcha tea to help cancel out any of the bitterness. Once I had served my classmate who was a part of the guest group, I then served tea and sweet to my teacher who was really happy she was included. Soon after I had my turn to be served as a guest. I was given matcha tea and sweets by my classmate. The tea was really delicious. However, I loved the sweet more and found myself wanting another one. The tea ceremony was definitely one of my favorite experiences. While I was in Japan, I am so glad I got the chance to experience tea ceremony.


After we had finished with the tea ceremony, we all got placed into cars that took us to our welcoming party. Once there, we learnt to cook yakisoba noodles while we waited for our host families to arrive. Soon we all were pointed towards our host families so we could sit with them as we waited for the introductions to start. Lluckily It didn't take long. One by one all of us students stood up and introduced ourselves to everyone in Japanese. Then we served and ate the noodles while we talked and became familiar with our host families. This was really intimidating at first but it didn't take long for me to become comfortable with them. I even got to make friends with some of my classmates' host sisters. I was amazed at how good their English was. Soon everyone left with their host family including me.


My host family was super nice, the Saito family. They couldn't speak English and I'm not that good at Japanese, so the whole car ride we talked to each other though Google Translate. This sometimes got confusing but we managed to figure it out. Before we arrived at their house we took a detour to Saito sans mothers house for me to meet his mother, brother, niece and nephew. They were super nice and his mother and brother could speak English perfectly, which was great for conversation. Of course we had to take lots of photos together before we said our goodbyes for the night and left for my host family's house.


Once we reached their place, they gave me a tour and showed me where I would be sleeping. Their house was super beautiful. It was a traditional style house and I was in love with their garden. The next day my host mother took me to a kimono dressing salon. Once there, I met a super kind lady who braided my hair beautifully and helped me get dressed in my kimono. This was my first time wearing a kimono so I was super grateful that she found time to help me.


After I was all dressed up they took me to a park that was covered in sakura flowers. It was so colorful and matching my kimono. This was the perfect place for taking photos with my host family. This was my all time favorite part of my trip and something I will cherish with me forever.


Soon after, my host mother and grandmother took me to Gujo-Hachiman castle, where I got to see all the amazing views overlooking the town and the cool bits of history scattered throughout the castle. For lunch they kindly treated me to soba which was Saito sans favorite food. I agree with him. It was super delicious. It's definitely my new favorite meal.


The next day my host family dropped me off with the rest of my class where we all shared our experiences as we headed to Hachiman Nishi Junior High School. When we arrived we met the deputy principal of the school and he gave us a tour around all of the classrooms. The school was so interesting to me as it has a different layout than any schools in New Zealand. The students soon gathered in the hall and gave an excellent choir performance that was so perfect I almost couldn't believe it!


After spending our lunch in different classrooms with the other students of the school they soon had to get back to classes. We had the opportunity to join them in some of their classes. In some classes we just walked around to see what they were learning and in others they taught us how to write our names in hiragana. Once we reached the English class, we stood up front as the students practiced their English by asking us questions and listening to our responses. Before we left their class we sang them a pātere, He Titi e Rere, that is based around our town, Whitianga, where we live.


After we said our farewells to the school and students, we left for the town where we went into a hall where (instructor's name) taught us how to do the traditional Gujo-Hachiman festival dances. This didn't take long for us to learn and soon we were all dancing in a circle to the beat.


Not long after that, we went back to our host families to spend our last night together. The next day after breakfast I said my goodbyes to my host father, grandmother, uncle, nephew and nieces. This was really sad and I wished I could have stayed longer with them as they were always super nice and welcoming to me. Even though it was a short time with them I felt that I had gotten to know them really well and became close.


My host mother took me to meet up with the rest of my class, and their host family. As soon as we arrived we all took turns saying our thank yous and sharing our experience as a group. It was a really beautiful and wholesome moment. All my classmates as well as me were very sad to be leaving but we all valued our time we spent together. Our host families walked us out to our charter bus and as the bus drove away all of us were waving and smiling to our host families and the gujo-hachiman international friendship association who had done so much for us and we were so thankful.


Gujo-Hachiman was an amazing experience and I hope to stay in contact with everyone who I met during my time there, as they were all amazing people. My classmates and I talked non-stop for 30 minutes about every detail that we had experienced while in Gujo-Hachiman. It was truly wonderful.

マオリ語の文章は、伝統的な自己紹介(pepeha ペペハ)です。ペペハはマオリの文化において、自分の出身やルーツを表す大切な言葉です。


🔹 Ko Taupiri te maunga → 「タウピリは私の山です。」

 → 自分にとって重要な山を示します。マオリ文化では、山や川は祖先とのつながりを表します。

🔹 Ko Waikato te awa rere → 「ワイカトは私の流れる川です。」

 → 自分のルーツとなる川を示します。ワイカト川はニュージーランドで最も長い川で、マオリの人々にとって特別な存在です。

🔹 Ko Tainui te waka tapu → 「タインウィは私の聖なるカヌーです。」

 → 先祖がニュージーランドに渡ってきたカヌー(waka ワカ)を示します。タインウィ(Tainui)は、ニュージーランドに最初に到達した伝説的なカヌーの1つです。

🔹 Ko Tainui te iwi → 「タインウィは私の部族です。」

 → 自分が属する部族(iwi イウィ)を示します。タインウィ部族(Tainui iwi)は、ニュージーランドの先住民族マオリの主要な部族の一つです。

🔹 Ko Ngati Mahuta te hapu → 「ンガティ・マフタは私の氏族です。」

 → 部族(iwi)の中の小さな氏族(hapu ハプ)を示します。

🔹 Ko Ngati Wairere te roto → 「ンガティ・ワイレレは私の湖です。」

 → 自分の氏族に関連する湖を示します。(この部分は「湖」ではなく、もう一つの氏族を指している可能性もあります。)

🔹 Ko Waahi i toku marae → 「ワーヒは私のマラエ(集会所)です。」

 → マラエ(marae)とは、マオリの伝統的な集会所で、文化的な行事や儀式が行われる大切な場所です。

🔹 Ko Kerry Murphy toku papa, ko Rose Wootton toku mama

 → 「ケリー・マーフィーは私の父です。ローズ・ウートンは私の母です。」

🔹 Ko Jade Violet Wootton Murphy ahau

 → 「私はジェイド・ヴァイオレット・ウートン・マーフィーです。」

🔹 No reira, Tena koutou, Tena koutou, Tena koutou, katoa.

 → 「それでは、皆さんにご挨拶します。こんにちは、こんにちは、こんにちは。」

 → これはマオリ語の伝統的な挨拶で、「皆さんに敬意を表します」という意味が込められています。

















昼食後は、いくつかの授業に参加しました。英語の授業では、私たちが前に立ち、生徒たちが英語で質問をし、私たちが答えるという形で交流しました。授業の最後には、私たちの町「Whitianga」にちなんだ「He Titi e Rere」というパーテレ(歌)を披露しました。












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